Market segment Engineered To Order / Made To Order Supply Chain centric Projects
Engineering equipment and Industrial products Consumer Goods, Pharma, Industrial / automobile Spares Organizations managing multiple or single projects
Critical problems
Missed dates, unpredictable deliveries and constant customer pressures
Actual capacity lower than the planned plant capacity
Perennial shortages and inter functional conflicts
Continuous Fire-fighting mode of Operations
Inventory of Non-moving products in many locations
Yet, a shortage of products demanded by customers
Forced to sell at discounted price to avoid obsolescence
Frequent cross shipments
Insufficient returns to Distributors and Retailers
Project delays – Customer pressures, Poor capacity utilization and LD payments
Conflicts in Resource deployment, Project prioritization and Task priorities
Poor planning and Execution processes, Long and unproductive meetings
Required Paradigm Shifts
Remove Local efficiency measures
Focus on Synchronization
Leverage the power of aggregation
Despatch only what was sold (move from Push to Pull)
Make FLOW the number one consideration
Aggregate Local safeties into Global buffer to manage uncertainties